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6 month update - We have teeth!

I can't believe we're halfway to her first birthday already! Edith is now a little over 17lb, wearing 9mo clothes, and has the smallest little two bottom teeth!

This past month, Edith:

- helped her big sister Grace celebrate her 2nd birthday

- went bowling for Daddy's birthday

- battled her first little virus...poor baby!

- tried some homemade applesauce and liked it, I think

- let Grace feed her some pureed carrots and was impartial, I think

- found her toes

- can sit for several minutes unassisted

- rode in the trike for the first time!

The food readiness is a funny thing. Every baby is different and my two have been so very different..I say it all the time. In pregnancy, and now. Grace LOVED trying solids, she was eager and excited to shove spoons in her mouth. Edith couldn't care less, so we're not gonna push it. Grace was also crawling by this age and could balance herself on a hip getting ready to sit up on her own by this age, while Edith isn't connecting rolls yet. She did learn to roll back to belly though this past month and we caught her a few times flipped over during the night and sleeping on her belly by morning. That only lasted a little while though! She prefers to sleep on her back and under a blanket, while Grace never slept with one and still won't. I will say she is a more vocal baby than Grace was. Grace was always quiet as a mouse and Edith loves being vocal and singing! Maybe that means she'll talk earlier than Grace!




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