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2 month update - "I'm a mouse"

Our second month has been full of more firsts!

- We celebrated our first Halloween where Edith looks like Dopey but she's actually Gus the mouse from Cindarella. Grace went as Cindarella and I was the fairy godmother! It's not quite Halloween yet but the Summerville farmers market celebrated so we took the costumes for a test run. We'll have the full set-up on actual Halloween where Mathias has to vend. I decked out their wagon and turned it into a light up carriage. I'm so excited to see it at night! Grace got the hang of trick-or-treating and doesn't get that it's actual candy and just likes grabbing something to put in her pumpkin. It's so cute!

- I looked back on Grace's 2 month update and it was around this time we started her Moms on Call schedule. I remember the stress and frustration I was crumbling under around week 6 with Grace. Something had to give! I started paying attention to what times she ate, and turns out she was already pretty much on the suggested schedule in the book. By week 7, Grace was sleeping 7 hours through the night. I was sooo looking forward to this with Edith! At 6 weeks, Edith was already on the Moms on Call schedule without me even trying. She was seriously like clockwork. Last week, Edith started consistently sleeping 7 hours through the night. Praise the Lort! I know not all babies are the same, and am thankful I lucked out in this department, but if you are struggling with exhaustion and need a better sleep solution, Get. This. Book!

- Two weeks ago, I spent my first full (14hr) day away from her. She did so great! I was a little nervous since we'd only given her a bottle once, and that was a month ago. But she was such a good baby :-) It was about this same time that I spent my first full day away from Grace too. Luckily, neither of the girls had a bottle preference and will drink from anything!

- Edith has gotten really good at holding her head up

- And she's gotten sooo talkative! She sings all the time and tells me all about the dreams she has.

She had her 2 month check-up today and was a whopping 11lb 15oz! I really thought she'd be over 12 with how heavy she feels when I'm nursing. This looks like a Dos Equis ad but for breastmilk haha! She is growing so fast! She never wore the preemie clothes, quickly grew out of newborn clothes, and was barely able to wear 0-3 month for more than a few weeks. She's already wearing 3-6 month outfits!! In fact, the outfit in this photo below was the same one Grace wore for her 3 month update.

I have one month left in my maternity leave so I'm just going to try and soak it all up while I can!





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